PSC 2620: Woody Trees and Shrub | Course Home | Study Materials |
Spiraea japonica - The leaf is 1-2 inches long and elliptic. The margin is finely serrated. | Spiraea x bumalda - The leaf is 1-3 inches long and lanceolate shaped. The new leaves emerge red and the margin of the leaf will retain a red tinge for several months. |
Spiraea x vanhouttei - The leaf is ovate with 3-5 irregular lobes. The margin is serrated. The leaf is a blue-green color. |
Spiraea japonica - The blossoms are light pink and are helf in 2-3 inch wide corymbs. | Spiraea x bumalda - The flowers are bright pink and are held in 4 inch wide corymbs. |
Spiraea x vanhouttei - The blossom is white and forms in small umbels. |
Spiraea japonica - It is a small, compact shrub, growing 2-3 feet high and wide. | Spiraea x bumalda - It is a small mounded shrub, growing 3-4 feet high and 4-5 feet wide. |
Spiraea x vanhouttei - It is a large shrub, growing 8 feet high and 12 feet wide. It has a cascading form with the branches arching towards the ground. |